Member Talks & Videos
Hall of Fame for Great Americans Medals
During the MCA Social Hour on December 21, 2024, Charles Ludvik discussed the medals issued for the Hall of Fame for Great Americans at New York University.
Braunschweig Aloe Americana Medals
During the MCA Social Hour on October 26, 2024, Peter Olav Pleuss discussed the Braunschweig Aloe Americana medals.
Forms Serving Functions: Coins and Medals as Judaica
Dr. Ira Rezak presented a talk on September 8, 2024, titled "Forms Serving Functions: Coins and Medals as Judaica" in conjunction with his exhibit on display at the Center for Jewish History.
HELP! Unsolved Medallic Mysteries in My Collection
Dr. Ira Rezak discussed several medals in his collection that have resisted identification, in some cases for decades, despite research efforts and consultation.
A 'Jerusalem of Gold': Literally, Not Figuratively!
Dr. Ira Rezak discussed a medal struck in gold that features an atypical image of the Jerusalem temple on one side and an extraordinary representation of the menorah, composed of five traditional branches supplemented by two naturalistic branches bearing fruits of the Holy Land, on the other.
A Jewish Artist in Berlin Before, During, and After the Third Reich
Dr. Ira Rezak discusses Konrad Geldmacher (1878-1965), a formally trained sculptor and medalist who, though not widely celebrated today, publicly pursued his craft in Berlin beginning even before his military service during the First World War and well into the 1960s.
The School Collection of 19th Century Cast Copies
During the MCA Social Hour on September 30, 2023, Robert Fagaly presented a talk on a collection of 19th century cast copies of medals.
Edward Warren Sawyer's Native American Portrait Series
During the MCA Social Hour on September 30, 2023, William Hyder presented a talk on Edward Warren Sawyer's Native American Portrait Series.
The Numismatic Tourist visits the medals cabinet at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna
Michael Wehner shows holiday pictures of some of his favorite medals on display at KHM in Vienna.
Medals of the French Revolution
During the MCA Social Hour on July 15, 2023, Dr. Stephen K. Scher presented a talk on Medals of the French Revolution.
Medals From the 16th Century with Direct Relation to America
During the MCA Social Hour on July 15, 2023, Peter Olav Pleuss discussed medals from 16th century which have a direct connection to America.
Karl Goetz Meisterkabinett
During the MCA Social Hour on March 11, 2023, Henry Scott Goodman discussed his acquisition and use of Karl Goetz's personal medal cabinet.
Joseph Chinard’s medallion of General François Amédée Doppet
During the MCA Social Hour on March 11, 2023, Dr. Stephen K. Scher discussed Joseph Chinard’s medallion of General François Amédée Doppet.
The Medal in America: An Exhibit About Medals & American History
ANA Curator Douglas Mudd presented the talk "The Medal in America: An Exhibit About Medals & American History" at the January 2023 meeting of the Medal Collectors of America (MCA) at the NYINC.
Prima Ballerina Claude Bessy Medal
Michael Wehner tells the story of Prima Ballerina Claude Bessy of the Paris Ballet and her 1993 Jubilee celebration medal.
Irish Setter Club Medal
During the MCA Social Hour on December 17, 2022, Heath MacAlpine discussed a medal from the Irish Setter Club of America.
Honoring Women on Medals
During the MCA Social Hour on November 19, 2022, Dr. Stephen K. Scher discussed a variety of medals honoring women.
Roma Pacifica: The Phoebe A. Hearst Architectural Plaquette
During the MCA Social Hour on November 19, 2022, Michael Wehner discussed the Phoebe A. Hearst architectural plaquette by Oscar Roty.
Unveiling of the Washington Memorial Philadelphia, PA
During the MCA Social Hour on October 15, 2022, Gamal Amer discussed the unveiling of the Washington Memorial in Philadelphia and related medals.
Restoration of a Lead Renaissance Medal
During the MCA Social Hour on July 30, 2022, Peter Olav Pleuss discussed his experience having a rare lead German Renaissance medal restored.
The John Scott Award Medal
During the MCA Social Hour on March 19, 2022, Gamal Amer delivered a short talk about "The John Scott Medal".
MACO Die Shells: The Essential Stage Between Model and Medal
Dr. Jesse Kraft of the ANS presented the talk "MACO Die Shells: The Essential Stage Between Model and Medal" at the January 2022 meeting of the Medal Collectors of America (MCA) at the NYINC.
Stages on Life's Way
During the MCA Social Hour on November 13, 2021, Dr. Stephen K. Scher delivered a short talk about medals related to "Stages on Life's Way".
Laura Gardin's 1911 Cardinal Farley Medal
During the MCA Social Hour on November 13, 2021, George S. Cuhaj delivered a short talk about "Laura Gardin's 1911 Cardinal Farley Medal".
Humor and Satire in Medals
During the MCA Social Hour on September 11, 2021, Dr. Stephen K. Scher delivered a short talk about "Humor and Satire in Medals".
An Unexpected James Garfield U.S. Mint Presidential Medal PR-20
During the MCA Social Hour on September 11, 2021, Heath MacAlpine delivered a short talk about "An Unexpected James Garfield U.S. Mint Presidential Medal PR-20".
The Newman Portal for Medal Collectors
Len Augsburger presented the keynote talk for the August 2021 meeting of the MCA at the ANA World's Fair of Money. The topic of his talk is the Newman Portal for Medal Collectors.
Grading Medals
During the MCA Social Hour on July 10, 2021, Bob Fagaly delivered a short talk on the topic of grading medals.
Architecture on Medals
During the MCA Social Hour on June 12, 2021, Dr. Stephen K. Scher delivered a short talk about "Architecture on Medals".
Heraldry on Medals
During the MCA Social Hour on March 27, 2021, Dr. Stephen K. Scher delivered a short talk about "Heraldry on Medals".
La Collection Imperiale of Napoleon I
During the MCA Social Hour on March 27, 2021, Bob Fritsch delivered a short talk about the medals of "La Collection Imperiale of Napoleon I".
Sketch for a Monument: A Medallion in Terracotta
During the MCA Social Hour on February 24, 2021, Dr. Stephen K. Scher delivered a short talk entitled "Sketch for a Monument: A Medallion in Terracotta". In it he discusses a portrait medallion of Honoré Daumier by Adolphe Victor Geoffroy-Dechaume, along with related works by these two artists.
Old Well, New Water: Drawing Inspirations from Classic Medals
Heidi Wastweet was the keynote speaker for the Medal Collectors of America January virtual club meeting. Her talk was entitled "Old Well, New Water: Drawing modern Inspirations from Classic Medals".
Medals of an Era of Promise and Failure: Collecting Reconstruction, 1863-1877
John Kraljevich was the keynote speaker for the Medal Collectors of America August club meeting that was our first meeting held via Zoom. His talk was entitled "Medals of an Era of Promise and Failure: Collecting Reconstruction, 1863-1877".
Van Loon Medals Relating to the Eighty Years' War
Andrew Absil of Schulman auction house was the keynote speaker for the Medal Collectors of America January 2020 meeting at the New York International Numismatic Convention. His talk discussed Van Loon medals relating to the Eighty Years' War.
A Review of the Medallic Work of Charles Cushing Wright
Neil Musante was the keynote speaker for the Medal Collectors of America August 2019 meeting at the ANA's World Fair of Money. His talk discusses the medallic work of Charles Cushing Wright.
The Medallic Art of Joel Iskowitz
Joel Iskowitz gives the keynote presentation for the MCA meeting at the 2019 New York International Numismatic Convention.
The Crane Collection of Indian Peace Medals
Barry D. Tayman presents for Dr. Lawrence Lee. Presentation covers the Indian Peace Medals at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science from the Crane collection.
Jewish-American Hall of Fame Medals
Mel Wacks presents medals created by Victor Ries and Gerta Ries Wiener between 1969-1994. Keynote given to the Medal Collectors of America August 2017 at the ANA World's Fair of Money.
Hunting the Wild Aftercast: Confessions of a Medal Collector
Dr. Stephen Scher discusses his history in collecting medals in a talk at the Medal Collectors of America January 2017 Meeting during the New York International Numismatic Convention.
The Lore & Lure of American Medals
Q. David Bowers gives an incredible speech at the Medal Collectors of America January 2016 Meeting.
The Tools of Numismatics: Presenting Your Collections
Robert F. Fritsch discusses tools for collecting at the Medal Collectors of America August 2016 Meeting.
Medallic History of Religious Intolerance
Benjamin Weiss discusses religious intoleranace and bigotry as shown through historical and commemorative medals. This presentation was given at the ANA in 2012.